
Early crypto teams and organizations share a similar set of problems when it comes to the cash reserve. Namely, working capital is sitting idle in stable coins. Although projects and teams realize the potential for capital to be deployed into strategies to earn yield and sustain longer runways within DeFi, projects often refrain from doing so due to perceived risks, time, and effort spent to manage working capital. Exponent reduces the friction faced by organizations and DAOs to deploy capital within DeFi via our product: Fennec Stash.

Why DAOs and organizations struggle to deploy treasury?

<aside> 🛑 A crypto project needs a safe way to deploy working capital productively to help cover its operational budget but does not have the capability to manage risks nor actively allocate capital.


<aside> 🚀 Fennec Stash is an actively managed DeFi corporate cash account that removes the risks and frictions for projects to deploy their liquid cash from their treasury within DeFi


How it works

  1. Consultation with the Exponent team to identify their capital objectives and requirements, and develop a bespoke investment plan.
  2. Exponent deploys a bespoke Cash Account vault for the organization to deposit their crypto cash. The value inside the vault is controlled by the organization via a Multisig contract.
  3. The Cash Account allocates funds to different strategies that are managed actively. DeFi opportunities and subsequent risk parameters are sourced, assessed, and surfaced in real-time by the Exponent team to ensure it meets the organization's agreed-upon objectives.
  4. The organization can choose to withdraw funds back into the Gnosis Safe at any point in time. They can also deposit more funds, modify risk parameters, or revoke Exponent’s access to capital via a circuit breaker directly from the Gnosis Safe UI.


Long Term Yield with Booster Strategy

Optimized for long term treasury growth

the harvested yield can be used to purchase and stake blue chip crypto projects. Thus capturing the crypto market upside exposures without any risk to the initial capital. Ideal for teams looking to expand the reserves for the next 2-3 years during the bear market. Higher market growth + longer time horizon, higher the real returns generated from Boosted yield

<aside> 💲 Stash Stables Base strategy


****No price exposures

****the stable coin deposit is deployed on low risk strategies to ensure the principal is preserved.

ie. Curve/ Convex strategies


Capture Yield Generated into a Booster Strategy

➡️  ➡️  ➡️

Capture long term crypto market growth w/ principal protection against price exposure

<aside> 🪙 Stack Crypto Booster Strategy


****Beta exposures

****purchase and stake blue chip crypto asset, generating additional yield and capture market beta

****ie. purchase and hold staked ETH


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